This Executive Order directs State Human Resources to review and recommend any updates to a prior Executive Order to improve employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities, in consultation with the Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues and Employment.
This bill requires the Department of Corrections to establish a process for identifying and assessing incarcerated individuals with learning disabilities, traumatic brain injuries and other cognitive impairments to determine whether the person requires accommodations in order to effectively participate in educational programming, including General Educational Development tests and postsecondary education. The Department is further required to establish a process for providing such accommodations.
This bill takes measures to reduce the number of former foster youth with developmental disabilities who are discharged into homelessness or inappropriately placed in hospitals. This includes requiring the Department of Children, Youth and Families to work collaboratively with the Developmental Disabilities Administration and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation to plan services for youth with developmental disabilities in advance of their transitions to adulthood. It further requires that priority for Medicaid waivers be given to individuals who exited dependency in the last two years.
This bill requires the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, in collaboration with the Department of Social and Health Services Developmental Disabilities Administration and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, to develop a plan to build statewide capacity among school districts to improve transition planning for students with developmental disabilities.
This bill eliminates subminimum wage certificates for people with disabilities.
This bill reauthorizes a work group to explore ways to improve the process for students with disabilities when they are transferring between institutions of higher education. This includes developing a plan that focuses on removing obstacles for students with disabilities and addressing changing methods of delivering course content.
This bill adds funds to the Parents to Parents Program, where parents of children with disabilities are paired with other parents to better understand how to support and advocate for their children to help them lead independent, successful lives.
This bill requires school districts to develop comprehensive school counseling programs to maximize educational outcomes, postsecondary readiness and social-emotional learning for students, including those with disabilities. These programs will use state- and nationally-recognized counselor frameworks, identify student needs through a multi-level school data review and analysis and provide direct and indirect services.
This bill requires each community and technical college to establish a culturally appropriate outreach program to assist potential students from underserved backgrounds - including students with disabilities - in understanding available opportunities and navigating the student aid system. Outreach programs may include partnerships with appropriate community-based organizations. The bill further establishes the legislature's intent that guided pathways (which provide mentorship and advising) be implemented at all community and technical colleges to improve completion rates for students, including those with disabilities.
This bill eliminates subminimum wage certificates for people with disabilities.
This bill authorizes transition planning for students with disabilities to start as soon as practicable and appropriate, and requires interagency responsibilities and linkages with transition services to be addressed in a transition plan in a student's IEP. It also requires that meetings to discuss postsecondary goals include parents, students and educators.
This bill appropriates money for the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee to conduct a study of the employment services and community access services provided by the Department of Social and Health Services for individuals with a developmental disability.
This bill requires the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish interagency agreements with various agencies to foster effective collaboration, promote efficiencies and establish a uniform focus among agencies providing transition services to special education students. It further requires the Education Data Center to monitor outcomes for special education students, including the number of students entering competitive integrated employment or postsecondary education and training programs.
This bill requires clients receiving services through a waiver to be offered the option to transition from a community access program to an employment program at any time. It further requires the Department of Social and Health Services to inform clients of all available options for employment and day services and emphasize support for the client so they are able to participate in activities that integrate them into their community and support independent living and skills.
This internship program gives students with disabilities from seven school districts in South King County and Pierce County the opportunity to gain practical work experience in aerospace manufacturing and finishing while earning credit toward their high school diplomas. In addition to receiving one-on-one training, mentoring and personalized instruction, interns learn life skills like punctuality, teamwork, and receiving and carrying out directions.
Operating Entity: Skills Incorporated
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program enables individuals with disabilities, service providers and others to learn about, access, and acquire assistive technology needed for education, employment, and community living. Services include device demonstrations, reutilization, loans, and financing.
Operating Entity: University of Washington, Center on Human Development and Disability (CHDD)
Entity Type: College / University
This program provides free benefits planning for individuals with developmental disabilities to help them understand the impact of work on their various benefits (including cash, medical, housing, personal care services, and food benefits).
Operating Entity: The Arc of Washington State
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
The Business Enterprise Program helps people who are blind become food service or vending operators.
Operating Entity: Washington State Department of Services for the Blind (DSB)
Entity Type: State Agency / Office
CAP helps individuals who experience problems when applying for or receiving vocational rehabilitation or independent living services. This includes advising and informing individuals of their rights and providing advocacy services.
Operating Entity: Washington State Client Assistance Program
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program helps ensure underserved parents of children with disabilities, including low-income parents, parents of children who are English learners, and parents with disabilities, have the training and information they need to enable them to participate effectively in helping their children.
Operating Entity: Open Doors for Multicultural Families
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
CEP assists people with disabilities who need to work part-time in finding and maintaining work. Participants work in various positions, from janitorial and administrative to quality-assurance and production, and receive in-depth training, job coaching, access to a benefits specialist, and ongoing support.
Operating Entity: Skills Incorporated
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program provides support to people with disabilities to enhance their employability. Services include employment preparation, volunteer work, and one-to-one support.
Operating Entity: Easterseals Washington
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program provides a range of independent living services to people with disabilities at Centers for Independent Living across the state. Services include help connecting to local services, assistance with job searches, local transit skills training, assistive technology help, peer mentoring support, assistance with school-to-career transitions, self-advocacy help, and more.
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors assist individuals who are blind or visually impaired in developing and refining skills that will enhance their ability to enter and maintain employment. Counseling activities may include assessments to determine a person’s strengths and support needs as related to a job – from technology use to activities of daily living – and then creating a training plan.
Operating Entity: Washington State Department of Services for the Blind (DSB)
Entity Type: State Agency / Office
This provides various services to individuals with developmental disabilities, including information and referral, complaint resolution, monitoring of services, and more.
Operating Entity: Disability Rights Washington, Office of Developmental Disabilities Ombuds
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program provide culturally and linguistically appropriate information about transition to adult services, post-secondary resources and services for culturally and linguistically diverse youth with developmental and intellectual disabilities and their families.
Operating Entity: Opening Doors
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program supports Parent Training and Information Centers and Community Parent Resource Centers in 11 western states plus two territories. Services include one-to-one consultations, trainings and webinars, peer-to-peer mentoring, site visits, non-profit management tools, and more.
Operating Entity: PEAK Parent Center
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program provides a variety of direct services for children and youth with disabilities, families, professionals, and other organizations that support them. This includes helping parents participate effectively in their children’s education and development and partnering with professionals and policymakers to improve outcomes for children with disabilities.
Operating Entity: Partnerships for Action, Voices for Empowerment (PAVE)
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This one-on-one matching program pairs parents of youth with disabilities to volunteer parents who offer emotional support, information and referrals to community resources, and more.
Operating Entity: The Arc of Washington State
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
These programs offer students with intellectual disabilities an opportunity to take college classes, engage in career development and independent living activities, and participate in the social life of a college campus.
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
Pre-ETS assist students with disabilities in identifying career interests and developing skills to be successful in the workplace. This includes five required activities: job exploration counseling, work-based learning experiences, workplace readiness training, counseling on comprehensive transition or postsecondary educational programs, and instruction in self-advocacy.
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
Project SEARCH is a one-year transition-to-work program for students with significant disabilities that includes classroom instruction, career exploration, and internship rotations. It is a collaboration between local businesses, state agencies, local school systems, and other entities, and is offered at several locations.
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
This program protects individuals with disabilities by empowering them and advocating on their behalf. This includes providing information and referrals, providing training and technical assistance to service providers, and conducting self-advocacy training.
Operating Entity: Disability Rights Washington
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This youth transition program connects students with disabilities to a job coach who works with them, their school, their parents, and the Washington State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation on their employment goals. The job coach will work with the individual on job hunting, resume and interview skills, and more.
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
This program trains and educates self-advocates throughout the state and supports the goal of independence, productivity, self-determination, and integration into the community.
Operating Entity: Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council
Entity Type: Other
This clinic assists multicultural families in resolving complex special education challenges. Services are provided in family's first language, when possible. The program is a collaboration between the Office of Education Ombuds (OEO) and Open Doors for Multicultural Families.
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
Student trainers help peers with intellectual and developmental disabilities learn how to set up and run their own clubs in the high school setting that will allow them to develop their leadership skills and demonstrate the importance of self-advocacy and self-determination.
Operating Entity: People First of Washington
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program advocates for the provision of accommodations, services, treatment, and technology for individuals with disabilities.
Operating Entity: Disability Rights Washington
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program provides customized trainings and technical assistance to Washington State’s Developmental Disabilities Administration, county developmental disability programs, and supported employment agencies to promote employment for Washingtonians who experience developmental and intellectual disabilities.
Operating Entity: Wise
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program provides specialized rehabilitation training and technical assistance in Washington and other states, including to state and community-based rehabilitation professionals, organizations and businesses, educators, and schools, as well as people with disabilities and their families.
Operating Entity: University of Washington, Center for Continuing Education in Rehabilitation (CCER)
Entity Type: College / University
This program provides culturally relevant vocational rehabilitation services to assist Alaska Native and American Indian individuals with disabilities residing on or near reservations in the state to prepare for and engage in gainful employment. Program services are provided under an individualized plan for employment.
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
This program supports competitive employment for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Direct services include job development, job placement, job training, and continued employment support. Other activities include assessment and career exploration for youth with disabilities.
Operating Entity: University of Washington, Center on Human Development and Disability (CHDD)
Entity Type: College / University
This program offers a wide range of employment services for individuals with disabilities, including community-based assessments, internships, job placement, and job coaching.
Operating Entity: Skills Incorporated
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program help out-of-school and in-school youth with one or more barriers to employment (including having a disability) prepare for and secure employment and postsecondary education opportunities. Services include tutoring; work experiences; occupational skills training; leadership development opportunities; and postsecondary education and training preparation activities.
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
This program enables eligible individuals with disabilities to save money in a tax-exempt account that may be used for qualified disability expenses while keeping their eligibility for federally-funded, means-tested public benefits. Eligible expenses include education, employment training and support, and assistive technology.
Operating Entity: Washington State Department of Commerce
Entity Type: State Agency / Office
This program helps farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural workers with disabilities attain gainful employment in production agriculture or a related occupation, access appropriate assistive technology needed for work and daily living activities, and more.
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
This program helps individuals with disabilities who are receiving Social Security Disability benefits make informed choices about work and make a successful transition to self-sufficiency.
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
This intensive four-week summer program provides culturally and linguistically diverse youth and young adults with disabilities ages 16-21 with pre-employment skills and college exploration opportunities. Participants learn skills such as résumé building and budgeting, practice mock interviews, learn about on-the-job etiquette, and learn how to ask for accommodations. Participants also take hands-on field trips to job sites or local college programs.
Operating Entity: Open Doors for Multicultural Families
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
YLF is a six-day, five-night program for high school juniors and seniors with disabilities. Participants cultivate their potential leadership, citizenship, and social skills.
Operating Entity: Washington Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues and Employment
Entity Type: State Agency / Office
This program helps students who are blind or visually impaired, as well as their families, think about and plan for life after high school. Counselors assist with transition by connecting students to part-time employment and internships, providing information regarding available services, participating in individualized education program meetings, and more.
Operating Entity: Washington State Department of Services for the Blind (DSB)
Entity Type: State Agency / Office
This program provides culturally and linguistically diverse families of students ages 14-21 with special needs with the information they need to smoothly and effectively make the transition from high school to adult life. The program produces resources guides and provides educational outreach to families on youth transition. Services are provided in the family's first language, when possible.
Operating Entity: Open Doors for Multicultural Families
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This guide describes behavioral health impacts and recommendations for some occupations and social roles that could be more heavily affected by the pandemic.
Operating Entity: Washington State Department of Health
Topic(s): Mental Health
This learning plan template is to support individualized student planning for the delivery of special education and related services through continuous learning instruction during school facility closure. The Continuous Learning Plan is not intended to replace a student’s IEP, but rather to document individual decisions for special education services during school facility closure. Additionally, the state provided an implementation guide for the Continuous Learning Plan.
Operating Entity: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
This bulletin reminds health care providers and payers that it is unlawful, under both federal and state law, to ration care on the basis of an individual’s existing or perceived disability, in addition to other socio-demographic characteristics. Such a bulletin helps ensure that students with disabilities receive adequate telehealth services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Operating Entity: Washington State Department of Health
Topic(s): Telehealth
This presentation serves as a resource to families of special education students, to help them understand what to expect from school re-openings. It focuses on IEP implementation and evaluation, for both remote and hybrid settings.
Operating Entity: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
This webpage provides resources to help people manage mental and emotional well-being affected by the pandemic.
Operating Entity: Washington State Coronavirus Response
Topic(s): Mental Health
This Excel document provides a curated selection of links to external online and offline educational materials for educators to use with students with disabilities. These resources include courses, lessons, videos, educational games, and physical and outdoor activity suggestions. Resources can be filtered by content area, student age range, and whether the link includes supports and activities for teachers, parents, and/or students.
Operating Entity: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
This Excel document lists professional opportunities for educators to help them better support students with disabilities during new COVID-19 conditions. Topics include assistive technology, family engagement, IEP development and implementation, inclusionary practices, remote instruction, and secondary transitions. The resource includes information on how to access these professional development opportunities, and what they cost (most are free).
Operating Entity: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
This regularly-updated document explains the services provided to students with disabilities, to assist educators and administrators in their provision of services. It includes guidance on how to access technical assistance for web platforms, how to provide services to students who require a 1:1 paraeducator, and how to provide counseling and training to parents.
Operating Entity: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
This document provides guidance to schools regarding providing services to students with disabilities during COVID-19 closures. It includes guidance on communication with families and completion of IEPs.
Operating Entity: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
This document complements the overall Reopening Washington Schools 2020 District Planning Guide document, providing guidance, best practices, resources, and unique considerations to support students with disabilities, their families, and all educators throughout the school reopening process. It covers topics such as Staffing Considerations, Social-Emotional and Behavioral Supports, IEP Development, Assistive Technology, and supporting students with specific disabilities.
Operating Entity: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
In response to school closures due to COVID-19, OSPI content experts have curated a selection of links to external organizations to support students with disabilities through school closures. These resources include courses, lessons, videos, educational games, physical and outdoor activity suggestions, and a section for supporting students with disabilities. We have also noted resources that include offline activity options, such as downloadable worksheets, lesson plans, and activities.
Operating Entity: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
This planning guide gives school districts prompts to think about in order to provide special education and related services throughout the school reopening process. Areas of consideration include Family Partnerships & Communications, Instructional Delivery, IEP Development, Assistive Technology, and Secondary Transition.
Operating Entity: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
This document includes multiple case studies (including elementary, behavioral, and secondary transition case studies) to help schools and educators understand how to provide least restrictive environments for students with disabilities during remote learning
Operating Entity: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
These resources are intended to support school districts, schools, students, parents and families in recognizing and responding to signs of emotional and behavioral distress.
Operating Entity: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Topic(s): Mental Health
This summary of the full Reopening Washington Schools 2020: Special Education Guidance document was created specifically to help students and their families know what to expect when schools reopen and make informed decisions.
Operating Entity: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
This resource includes recommendations, strategies, and resources for providing inclusive continuous learning opportunities for students with disabilities during school facility closures. The resource includes information on family collaboration in the distance learning process and virtual transition services for students with disability during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Operating Entity: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction