No data currently available.
This program enables individuals with disabilities, service providers and others to learn about, access, and acquire assistive technology needed for education, employment, and community living. Services include device demonstrations, reutilization, loans, and financing.
Operating Entity: University of Montana, Rural Institute on Disabilities
Entity Type: College / University
The Business Enterprise Program helps people who are blind become food service or vending operators.
Operating Entity: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Blind and Low Vision Services
Entity Type: State Agency / Office
CAP helps individuals who experience problems when applying for or receiving vocational rehabilitation or independent living services. This includes advising and informing individuals of their rights and providing advocacy services.
Operating Entity: Disability Rights Montana
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
Disability Consultants can provide clients with information on a range of employment topics, including job listings and referrals, resume assistance, labor market Information, career exploration, job search assistance, career planning, occupational training information, and more.
Operating Entity: Montana Department of Labor and Industry
Entity Type: State Agency / Office
This program supports adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities at work, at home, and in the community. It provides day services that include self advocacy training and work skills and employment services and training.
Operating Entity: Easterseals Northern Rocky Mountain
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program provides additional and continuous employment support to some Vocational Rehabilitation clients, including ongoing job coaching to help participants overcome unique work barriers.
Operating Entity: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Disability Employment and Transitions Division
Entity Type: State Agency / Office
This program provides trainings to help individuals with disabilities achieve full community integration. One focus area is Working Well with a Disability, which prepares individuals to enjoy fully integrated employment and develop healthy work relationships.
Operating Entity: University of Montana, Rural Institute on Disabilities
Entity Type: College / University
HELP-Link is a free workforce program for Montanans covered by Medicaid, which connects Medicaid enrollees with high quality workforce training, employment services and job openings in local communities. Services include assistance with resumes, cover letters, job applications, interview skills, and more.
Operating Entity: Montana Department of Labor and Industry
Entity Type: State Agency / Office
This program helps students who are blind, deaf, or deaf-blind prepare to transition out of high school. Based on a student's IEP, they may take classes focus on life skills, applied math, employability, cooking, and career exploration. The program may also include job shadowing and employment opportunities.
Operating Entity: Montana School for the Deaf and the Blind
Entity Type: Other
This program provides a range of independent living services to people with disabilities at Centers for Independent Living across the state. Services include help connecting to local services, assistance with job searches, local transit skills training, assistive technology help, peer mentoring support, assistance with school-to-career transitions, self-advocacy help, and more.
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
This program provides advocacy services for individuals with disabilities, including self-advocacy training.
Operating Entity: Montana Independent Living Project (mILp)
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program provides a variety of specialized services to help people with disabilities prepare for, find, and maintain meaningful employment. These services include job readiness training, job coaching, job development, placement services, long term employment supports, and job skills classes and workshops.
Operating Entity: Easterseals Northern Rocky Mountain
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program provides information, technical assistance, and professional development to families and professionals who provide services to individuals who are deaf-blind, in order to improve their outcomes. Transition is one area of focus for the project.
Operating Entity: University of Montana, Rural Institute on Disabilities
Entity Type: College / University
This program enables eligible individuals with disabilities to save money in a tax-exempt account that may be used for qualified disability expenses while keeping their eligibility for federally-funded, means-tested public benefits. Eligible expenses include education, employment training and support, and assistive technology.
Operating Entity: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services
Entity Type: State Agency / Office
This program seeks to enrich the lives of youth with disabilities through the arts, as well as assisting participants in pursuing education, employment, and interdependence and developing self-advocacy skills. Specific programming includes improv comedy nights, dance and movement classes, all-abilities yoga classes, art groups and classes, and more.
Operating Entity: Summit Independent Living
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program helps youth with disabilities develop leadership skills, academic and career goals, a strong work ethic, and independence through technology, community support, and peer mentoring.
Operating Entity: Montana Youth Leadership Forum
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program guides students with disabilities through the transition from high school to college. Participants develop the study skills, social skills, and personal skills of successful college students; develop their own transition portfolios; and spend four days on the Montana State University Billings campus living in the residence hall and attending classes.
Operating Entity: Montana State University - Billings, Montana Center for Inclusive Education
Entity Type: College / University
This program supports Parent Training and Information Centers and Community Parent Resource Centers in 16 midwestern and western states. Services include one-to-one consultations, trainings and webinars, peer-to-peer mentoring, site visits, non-profit management tools, and more.
Operating Entity: WI FACETS
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program provides a variety of direct services for children and youth with disabilities, families, professionals, and other organizations that support them. This includes helping parents participate effectively in their children’s education and development and partnering with professionals and policymakers to improve outcomes for children with disabilities.
Operating Entity: Montana Empowerment Center, Inc.
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program is designed to improve transition outcomes for middle school youth with developmental disabilities, by providing quarterly teleconference training about transition and employment to families, teachers, and agency staff, and by developing and disseminating a toolkit to help families learn about transition needs and services. This program is a collaboration between the University of Montana Rural Institute’s Transition Projects, the Montana Council on Developmental Disabilities, and Parents, Let’s Unite for Kids (PLUK).
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
This program matches individuals with similar disabilities in peer support and counseling settings to empower each other through encouragement and support. This service assists individuals adapting to life with a disability or transitioning through different life stages.
Operating Entity: Montana Independent Living Project (mILp)
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
These programs offer students with intellectual disabilities an opportunity to take college classes, engage in career development and independent living activities, and participate in the social life of a college campus.
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
Pre-ETS assist students with disabilities in identifying career interests and developing skills to be successful in the workplace. This includes five required activities: job exploration counseling, work-based learning experiences, workplace readiness training, counseling on comprehensive transition or postsecondary educational programs, and instruction in self-advocacy.
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
Project SEARCH is a one-year transition-to-work program for students with significant disabilities that includes classroom instruction, career exploration, and internship rotations. It is a collaboration between local businesses, state agencies, local school systems, and other entities, and is offered at several locations.
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
This program protects individuals with disabilities by empowering them and advocating on their behalf. This includes providing information and referrals, providing training and technical assistance to service providers, and conducting self-advocacy training.
Operating Entity: Disability Rights Montana
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program helps individuals with severe mental illness secure and remain in competitive and fully-integrated employment opportunities. The program integrates individual choice of employment with integrated mental health treatment, personalized benefits planning, and continuous follow-along work supports.
Operating Entity: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Addictive and Mental Disorders Division
Entity Type: State Agency / Office
This program provides culturally relevant vocational rehabilitation services to assist Alaska Native and American Indian individuals with disabilities residing on or near reservations in the state to prepare for and engage in gainful employment. Program services are provided under an individualized plan for employment.
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
This program helps individuals with visual disabilities or blindness find or maintain employment. Services provided through this program include career counseling and guidance services, mobility training, job training, job development and placement services, rehabilitation technology, post-employment services, and referral services.
Operating Entity: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Blind and Low Vision Services
Entity Type: State Agency / Office
This program help out-of-school and in-school youth with one or more barriers to employment (including having a disability) prepare for and secure employment and postsecondary education opportunities. Services include tutoring; work experiences; occupational skills training; leadership development opportunities; and postsecondary education and training preparation activities.
Operating Entity: --
Entity Type: Multi-Stakeholder Project
This program helps individuals with disabilities who are receiving Social Security Disability benefits make informed choices about work and make a successful transition to self-sufficiency.
Operating Entity: Montana State University - Billings, Montana Center for Inclusive Education
Entity Type: College / University
This program assists youth with disabilities ages 14-24 in transitioning to post-secondary education and/or employment. Services include referrals to vocational rehabilitation services, employment and education assistance, independent living skills training, self-advocacy training, and peer mentorship.
Operating Entity: Living Independently for Today and Tomorrow (LIFTT)
Entity Type: Non-Profit / Community Organization
This program builds relationships between local schools and Montana Vocational and Rehabilitation Services (VRBS) by establishing regular office hours at larger high schools for Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors. These counselors connect students with disabilities to VRBS and establish collaborations with special education teachers, 504 coordinators, teachers, school administrators, parents, advocacy groups, and others regarding the role of VRBS in transition.
Operating Entity: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Vocational Rehabilitation and Blind Services
Entity Type: State Agency / Office
This webpage provides links to various mental health resources, including crisis lines and guides on managing stress during COVID-19.
Operating Entity: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services
Topic(s): Mental Health
This is a document with resources for parents, teachers, and students on special education during COVID-19. It lists various resources and policies for Montana teachers seeking to provide the least restrictive environment for students with disabilities, and it notes various resources and policies to help parents assist their student with a disability with the transition to virtual instruction.
Operating Entity: Montana Office of Public Instruction
The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services has increased availability of its Montana Warm Line to help fill additional needs brought on by COVID-19. The Warm Line provides free, confidential intervention with emotional support that can prevent a crisis. The department has further allocated additional funds to Thrive by Waypoint Health, online cognitive behavioral therapy for those actively working to manage anxiety and stress.
Operating Entity: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services
Topic(s): Mental Health
This webpage provides links to resources for supporting students in distress and for learning more about mental health and COVID-19.
Operating Entity: Montana University System
Topic(s): Mental Health
The Montana Office of Public Instruction created a web page that offers guidance, resources, and tools to assist districts, IEP teams, and families as they work together to provide the most appropriate services in light of the student, schools, and communities unique individual circumstances. The web page includes federal guidance, state guidance, and resources on school reopening, IEPs, telehealth, and much more.
Operating Entity: Montana Office of Public Instruction
This Frequently Asked Questions document includes the long-term impact of a COVID-19 infection.
Operating Entity: Montana State Emergency Operations Center Joint Information Center
Topic(s): Long-COVID
This campaign is designed to raise awareness about student mental health and promote resources available to all Montana University System students and employees to address mental health needs. It includes three main resources: a mental health and wellness app, an online referral platform and a virtual mental health literacy and suicide prevention training. This initiative was born out of work from the Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Task Force aimed at addressing and responding to increased mental health needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Operating Entity: Montana University System
Topic(s): Mental Health